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Wunderbot - Main VI Tutorial
If there are any questions about this tutorial feel free to email me at and I will try to answer them.

Front Panel

The Main VI allows the user to set up the initial settings for the Wunderbot's operation.  There is a cirular switch to choose between JAUS, Manual and Autonomous Mode.  We have also included switches  to choose the GPS Course or Qualification/Obstacle Course in Autonomous Mode or to use the Keyboard or Remote in Manual Mode.  The Speed Slider allows the user to select the speed in manual mode.  On the right hand side, the variables and output of the PID controller are shown as well as a graph of the motor response.

This is the manual control tab of the FrontPanel.  This tab is used when controlling the Wunderbot manually with either the keyboard or the remote control.  There are keys for the desired direction of travel and slider indicators to show he target speed for each drive wheel.

This is the GPS Tab showing the relevant information while navigating the GPS course.  There are various LEDs indicating bolean variables and indicators showing current location.  The boolean LEDs are invaluable for debugging purposes allowing you to see which variables are beeing set true and therefore which sequences are being entered.

This is showing the manual grabber subtab of the GPS tab.  This manual grab allows the user to grab different GPS points manually to set up a test GPS navigation course.

Thsis shows the from file subtab of the GPS tab.  This allows the user to load a file of predefined GPS points to navigate.  At competition the gps course is entered into the path planning program and the ideal sequences is determined.  This sequence is then stored in a file and loaded to the Wunderbot for the navigation course.

This is the Obstacle tab of the front panel.  This allows the user to set constants like turning aggressivness, lookahead distance, backup proximity etc.  It also displays pertinent information from different decisions made in the code.

Variables - GLOBAL

All of the variables for the Wunderbot are Global so they can easily be passed between different VIs in the control loop.

These are all the uninitilized variables used by he Wunderbot.

These are the initialized variables for the Wunderbot.  As you can see, this initializes some boolean variables to false and "primes the pump" for some other systems to begin the control loop.

PID Controller - Closed Loop Control

The Wunderbot used a PID (Proportional, Integral, Differential) controller for closed loop control of the drive motors.  This allows the Wunderbot to compensate automatically for drive wheel slipping or caster slipping.

This shows the initialization and setup of the PID controller.  It is bringing in the current positions and incrementing the closed loop counter.  These values are then fed into a sequence block that goes throught the steps of PID control.

Many of the Wunderbot systems utilize sequences to simplify the overall flow of the control algorithm.  This shows the first case of the PID controller sequence.  This case takes the current and previous positions to get a delta for use in the next case of the sequence.  It also determines the rpm of each wheel using math logic blocks.

This case of the sequence feeds the PID constants into the PID subVI in addition to the RPM and calculated adjustment for each wheel.  There is also a delay set to allow for the calcualtions using current and previous positions.  This feeds the output positions through the sequence for use as feedback.

This case takes the adjustment for each wheel and applys it to the current input for each wheel.  This then  does some logic to determine if we have found a bearing or if the input to the motor is less than 5.  If  either of these are true, zeros are fed to the motor subVI.  Otherwise, the adjusted value is fed to the motor subVI.

The Main Loop

This shows the setup of the main loop setting the delay, calculating runtime and selecting modes.  Also this shows the JAUS setup, If JAUS is selected the JAUS case is executed.

Manual Control

This is the Manual Control Case with the remote switch off.  This maps the up, down, left, and right keys to set target speeds for the desired directions.

This is the manual control VI using the remote control.  This feeds the set speed into the remote control subVI which outputs the target speeds for the left and right wheels.  There is also a coded emergency stop as well.  If the estop is on then the logic forces a desired speed of zero to stop the robot.

GPS Navigation

This shows the basic flow diagram for the GPS Navigation course.  This is quite similar to the obstacle course that will be discussed below, except that the GPS takes the GPS bearing into account while the obstacle course sequence checks the LADAR and Vision and makes a decsison based on both sets of data.

This sequence case initializes any variables using the GPSCalc subVI as well as initializes some boolean variables to false.

This second case checks to see if the load file boolean variable is true.  If it is, it loads the next GPS point. If not it checks to see if we have found our goal, if we haven't, it continues through the loop.


The third case of the sequence checks the distance to the next goal GPS point,  It then determines if we are witthin the expected radius of the GPS point. If so we set FoundGoal to true.  It then does logic to determine whether or not to make a LadarMove.

In the fourth case we check if we have found the goal or are in a LadarMove - If either is true we execute the block and check  the Ladar Window. This checks this outputs if an obstace is in the window.  If it is, we execute a Ladar Action.  If we have a Ladar Action or if we were in a Ladar Move, we continue the Ladar Move.

The fifth case execute when we have a Ladar Action.  This case determines the position of the obstacle and determines whether the robot should turn left or right to avoid it.  If there is a larger window left of the obstacle we turn left.  If there is a larger window right we turn right.  

The sixth case is only entered if we do not have a Ladar Move or Ladar Action.. In this case we determine if we are on the correct bearing by checking the current compass bearing against the desired bearing to the next GPS point.  We then turn toward the desired bearing if necessary.

The sixth case executes a GPS move.  This means that if there are no obstacles in the way and we are on bearing move straight.

This final case pushes the speeds to the wheels.

Obstace Course

The first case of the obstacle course initializes all the boolan variables to false.

The second case checks the ladar and the vision simultaneously.  It sets if there is an obstacle in the ladar view and ckecks whether or not we need to backup based on ladar or vision.  Finally it also detemines the target angle based on the vision system output.

Thie third case has a great deal of parallel cases.  The first shown here detemines if there is an obstacle in the window.  If there isn't then we used the camera target angle.

If there is an obstace in the window then we need to go through another sequence statement.  The first step of this sequence sets windows based on the ladar target.  The window tells us if there is a space past the object on each respective side.

In this case it we execute if we have an available window on both the left and right sides of the obstacle.  In this case we use the ladar target that corresponds most with the camera target,  This ensure that we will be moveing away from both lines and objects if possible.

The third sub case takes the XOR of the left and right window boolean variables.  This means if we have one but not the other we move toward the open window ignoring the camera target.

This final case says that if we do not have a window on either side then we need to back up and look for a window again.  

We then continue in the main sequence statement.  we check if we set either the Camera or Ladar Backup variables.  If we didn't then we turn based on the determined desired target from the previous case.  The turn is based on turning aggressivenes and the desired target,

This is the case if we did return that we need to back up.  In this case we negate the speed  in order to back up.

Finally, when we get to the final case of the sequence we push the speeds to the motor.