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Wunderbot - JAUS Subsystem Tutorial
If there are any questions about this tutorial feel free to email me at and I will try to answer them.

This tutorial outlines the JAUS Subsystem VIs used on the robot.

Main VI:

This is the main VI for the JAUS subsystem.  It displays all relavant JAUS information.

Block Diagram

This declares and initializes all the main VI's variables.

This step reads in the JAUS data ensureing that all protocalls are being followed.

This VI  parses some of the data being read in from the JAUS Port.

This VI determines which command has been sent and takes the appropriate action.


Front Panel:

This is the JAUS VI used to adin in parsing the datastream being read in on the JAUS port.

This VI detemines the Command being sent and does some of  the necessary preparation work in order to execute the command.  

BreakUp VI

Front Panel:

This is another VI used to break down the JAUS packets.

Block Diagram:

This VI begins by breaking down the Byte Array that is sent to us over UDP.  From the byte array we are able to parse out the command structure.


The second step in the case structure uses the parsed information to build a JAUS array for uses in the rest of the code.