Primary Contacts:
Mike Patrick
1803 Baugher Avenue
Elizabethtown, PA 17022
610.209.3529 (cell)

Dan Fenton
667 Baugher Avenue
Elizabethtown, PA 17022
484.888.6606 (cell)

Recent Sightings:

Semester meetings dates and locations will be posted soon.

Recruiting presentation dates and locations will be posted as they become approved.

Want to Learn More!

Click here for details about how the Wunderbot works.

News: Join the team! The Wunderbot V is looking for new memebers. Just contact someone on the contacts page!

2008 IGVC Recap
May 30- June 2, 2008

Jaus AwardIn lat May 2008 the Wunderbot IV traveled to Oakland Univeristy in Rochester Michigan for the 16th annual Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition. This competition featured over 40 colleges from all over the globe including USA, Canada, Japan! Many of the teams were comprised of graduate students and faculty and some undergraduates.  The four day competition required robots to navigate an obstace course, GPS waypoint challenge, complete a level of the JAUS challenge and a presentation of their techincal report.

This is the third time the Wunderbot has competed at IGVC, bringing many new features to the competiton.  The Wunderbot had fully working GPS, LADAR, and Vision subsystems and JAUS level 2 implemented.  There were also some structural changes implemented to aid the function of the subsystems.  The Wunderbot made a good showing despite some setbacks due to a faulty battery and some trouble with subsystem integration.  The results can be found on the IGVC website.

The Wunderbot IV is looking to compete in the 2010 IGVC competition and hoping to make some significant changes with testing to ensure even better results.

More information can be found at the IGVC website.

More pictures can be found on the IGVC website.