Mike Patrick
1803 Baugher Avenue
Elizabethtown, PA 17022
610.209.3529 (cell)
Dan Fenton
667 Baugher Avenue
Elizabethtown, PA 17022
484.888.6606 (cell)
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and locations will be posted soon.
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dates and locations will be posted as they become approved.
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for details about how the Wunderbot works.
nanoLC Mini Robot Simulation
If there
are any questions about this
tutorial feel free to email me at
and I will try to answer them.First
it is important to note that there is a lot to learn and gain from
simulation of an autonomous mobile robot. There are many
unexpected outcomes that could cause issues that would otherwise go
undiscovered. Also it allows for a low cost test for a possible
platform before spending the money to implement it. Finally,
concurent real-time simulations can be very valuable and allow for
extention into environmental mapping that can be very valuable in
autonomous robotics. Our nanoLC Simulation:
Necessary Software/Hardware Java 3D API and Java Runtime Environment 3D Robot Simulator
Updated Graphics Card + Drivers (OpenGL 1.2 or >)
My Files:
you must download and extract the Simbad Simulator Source Files.
This will work better than trying to use the pre built simbad jar
Also install the Java 3D api (and Java Runtime Environment if you do not have it)
copy the three .class files above to the simbad src directory.
The .java file above is just for reference. If you have the
java developement kit and wish to compile the file yourself go ahead
and do so.
After doing this open the command line (run -> cmd)
Change to the src directory mentioned above (use the cd command, ex: cd C:/Documents...
Run the simulation by typing java MyRobotSimulation - This should start the Simbad Simulation Engine to run the simulation.